Sunday, July 29, 2012

Busy, busy, busy!

I've having lots of fun at my engraving class!  I'm learning a ton of new things, hopefully I will add some engraved items to the shop someday!
While I'm here I have set-up shop.

Here is my little accessory corner.

I did get the e-mail I was dreading a few days ago.  I told The Accessory Lady that I would be gone for over 10 days while I took this class.  The e-mail I got was asking me when we were going to meet on that Fri (gone day 5) instead of the next one (home day 2).  I explained that we must have gotten confused about the dates and had the original e-mail where I told her about it opened.  She never tried to counter me about it, so it never got used.  While this is good, it is also annoying.  Since she thought I wasn't going to be gone as long when she gave me the next design(s), she only gave me one, not two.  I'm hoping this won't put us too far behind, I'm only one person.

The other design I started was giving me some troubles.  While the fact that the metal fabric was a bit harder to deal with didn't bother me, the fact that I didn't have the right shoe did.  The high heeled shoes I normally wear aren't tall enough.  The end of the fabric trailed on the ground a bunch.  I checked 2 different shoe stores and only found shoes that were less fitting for this than mine.
Lucky for me my mom managed to find a used pair for cheap, and my dad was headed down this way for his class.  While the shoe is not perfect (a quarter of an inch still "drags") they are going to have to do.  Who knows, maybe she will see this and make them smaller?
Probably not, but who knows.

In other news.... I've made a FB page for CMC Creative Creations!  I'm excited about it because it will let me post quick updates about how things are going.
Here is the link in case anyone would like to "Like" it: CMC Creative Creations

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